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De Paoli


De Paoli


Monica De Paoli

Monica De Paoli deals mainly with real estate, particularly with regard to real estate funds, non-profit organizations, benefit companies, and social and impact economy.
Other fields of interest include the transferring businesses to the next generation and “Dopo di Noi“.
She is a board member of various entities related to the third sector.
She is a lecturer of third sector law.
She is the author of a variety of academic works published in corporate, real estate and non-profit organizations.

Known languages: English and French

Giovannella Condò

Giovannella Condò mainly deals with company law and banking and project finance operations. She assists companies, investment banks, private equity funds and venture capital, financial institutions, start-ups and innovative SMEs in every phase of consultancy, with an emphasis on bond issues, mini bonds, project bonds and equity instruments, equity crowdfunding , governance structures and debt restructuring.

What’s more, she has consolidated experience in project finance transactions in the areas of energy and infrastructure, dealing with the entire security package used in all types of financing securities, bonds and project bonds: pledges on shares, shares or loans, mortgages and special privileges and general assignment of receivables as collateral, also with her special attention focused on tax situations.

Notary since 2001. Member of the Board of Notaries of Milan until 2014, member of committees of the National Council of Notaries.

As a lecturer in corporate law at the School of Notaries of Lombardy, she is the author of scientific contributions in the field of company law.

She is active in women empowerment, mentoring, professional and women network initiatives. She founded La Carica delle 101.

Languages spoken: English

Stefania Anzelini

Stefania Anzelini graduated cum laude in law from the University of Trento, the city where she was born in 1988.

In September 2016 she qualified to practice law at the Court of Appeal of Trento.

In February 2018, she passed the state examination for the appointment as a Notary Public called under Ministry Executive Decree of 21 April 2016, according to article 14 of the Announcement for Examination contained therein.

Stefania has joined the Milano Notai team in May 2018 and has been practicing as a Notary Public since September 2019.

Known languages: English